SF roll-out in Brazil Market

Was involved in discussion with the brazilian team on the business processes
Understanding taxation in the country and how we can build it within current solution
-- built custom Brazil tax module with ICMS, FCP, ICMS ST, FCP ST, IPI-L calculations
Understand the delivery, colecction processes which were brazil specific and fit those in
build invoices, orders as per Legal and fiscal requirements of brazil
Ex. working on Nota fiscal document for sales and collection
Solutioning the integration aspects,
Integration with SAP ERP for Orders, pricing, deliveries and more
Integration with Analplan for Visits and Route planning, SKU assortments, Assets
Integration with Power BI for all the reporting and analytical needs of the organization
Integration with Third party systems for Bulk orders using Heruko
Integration with In-house B2B application for order upload and processing
Integration with Dialer for all the Telesales Rep


  • Leading Global FMCG company

  • 21.12.2017