How to introduce team to a new process

Every company needs to set processes or change processes as it grows
Processes are the only way to scale, without process a company cannot scale.
Similarly people participating in the process is crucial and only then processes will succeed.
Hence, it is necessary to introduce teams to processes and get them on-board people are generally averse to change, they dont like change and would want to continue working the way ther are.
Also, people dont understand the benefits of the process. Are overwhelmed by the amount work involved in the new process. So we should address all the issues when introducing a new process.
Hence, we should consider make the process a strategic initiative approved by management. Once, people know that its strategic priority then it will be taken seriously.
The process should be the primary focus and alternative approaches should not be allowed. All the people including the senior management has to follow the process other people when see that the seniors are doing it then they also follow

Communicate the benefits
Demontrate how the new process is good for overall company and how it will benefit all in the long run.

Set goals
We need to set goals for process, people and tools, as to where is it that you want to be when the process is implemented.

Identify Risks and plan on how to mitigate it
When a process is implemented there might be certain risks that might spring up, be pro active to identify them and plan to mitigate them

Regular communication and transparent updates to all the stakeholders should help the process become the norm

Best wishes
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